Saturday, September 17, 2016

Donald Trump is categorized as the most prolific liar in modern American political discourse, but how many of us know this?

Who is Donald J Trump? Why is he running for the office of President of the United States of America? What does he stands for from a policy standpoint, ethically, militarily, economically, spiritually, civicly, foreign policy related, his legal justice viewpoint, racial and nationality equality, morally and international conflict? In some instances we know very well what his viewpoints are, like immigration, for example—he wants to build a wall and force all undocumented immigrants to leave the country and get in line for the prescribed process of seeking legal admission.

We know he wants to provide extensive tax breaks for upper level income earners, thus emulating what Ronald Reagan instituted with the undeniably unsuccessful "trickle down economics" strategy. But what else? A lot of these issues are either poorly defined, remain undefined or suffer from misleading comments or even outright lies by Donald Trump or his surrogates.

These lies are just a portion of the entire body of lies told by Trump since his candidacy, and beforehand—seemingly in a steady stream. The issue I see as seriously problematic to the outcome of this election is that more often than not Trump representatives, when interviewed on various networks or channels, very often go unchallenged when stating lies of varying severity. Not to mention the very focused conflict when a Trump surrogate, and even Trump himself, will claim that Clinton "is a pathological liar or the most dishonest candidate in history," etcetera. When in fact Trumps record is vastly more predominate by dishonesty and lies than Clinton's record shows. The media is NOT DOING THEIR JOB.

While writing this, I'm presented with a very common example of Trumps wholesale practice of telling lies. He's in Colorado Springs tonight, just as the Congressional Black Caucus annual event at which President Obama just concluded a great speech, the event was interrupted by news of a serious explosion in the Chelsea area in NYC. Trump has apparently announced during his rally that "A bomb has just exploded in New York City—we've really got to get tough on these people folks." Trump made this statement brie President Obama had been briefed about this mysterious explosion, before the police have commented whatsoever other than to clear adjacent areas to the specific proximity where this explosion occurred. No one knows much of anything, news centers are unable to report anything yet Trump believes it is appropriate to make Springs and inferences, presumably the exact same way he would as Commander in Chief—egads.

Why would anyone with a mature adult mind make such a statement, rife with speculation and frankly, ignorance about what is actually going on and specifically I b the andante of any declaration of what the cause of the explosion might be? Mr Trump obviously thinks it is a good idea  to exploit such a news announcement to speculate, frighten, react, draw conclusions and make assumptions that can only be based on our LIES since he has no clue what the facts are. Period. Trump did the exact same thing when a commercial airliner traveling from Paris, France to Egypt was briskly brought down into the Mediterranean Sea as a terrorist attack. Months later, Trump's entirely premature inference had been proven entirely inaccurate. This, of course, in addition to being completely inaccurate and irresponsible especially consistency the international sensitivity regarding the location and nature of the horrible crash of Egypt Air 804.

Starting today I'll be backfilling as well as capturing incidents of lying by 2016 Presidential candidate and Republican  nominee, Donald Trump.

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